At Mesquite Dental Solutions, preventing things such as cavities, tooth loss, and gum disease are crucial. We care deeply about each and every patient’s oral health and use our expertise to offer preventive dentistry.
Not only does not taking care of your oral health affect your body, but it can also greatly affect your wallet. When someone doesn’t focus on preventive care, they’ll end up needing restorative care, which is often not covered by insurance.
Mesquite Dental Solutions encourages all individuals to have at least two dental checkups a year.
Following this recommendation can help your dentists stop dental disease in its earliest stages, protecting your smile and limiting your expense.
Did you know you can start focusing on oral health care before a child even has teeth? Gently rubbing the gums clean after feeding, as well as in the morning, and even can keep their mouth in tip-top shape. Once a child has their first tooth, bring them into our clinic to begin comprehensive oral health care.
Many people don’t know that they should replace them once every three months. When you do replace your toothbrush, it’s best to choose a soft-bristled brush to not overly irritate your enamel.
It’s also wise to buy fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. Doing so is an easy way to stop tooth decay before it starts.
Just like brushing twice a day, flossing is essential to a healthy mouth. It’s the best way to remove plaque from between your teeth and gums. Our dentists in Mesquite, TX suggest flossing at least once a day.
The best thing you can do to prevent harmful bacteria, plaque, and damage to your pearly whites is to visit us! The average person should visit the dentists once every six months. Those with braces, diabetes, as well as those who are pregnant or use tobacco products, should consider coming in more frequently. When you do visit, ask for preventative dentistry services such as fluoride treatments and oral cancer screenings.