One of the things no one expects to hear when they go to the dentist is the word biopsy. It can be scary if the dentist tells you they need to take a biopsy, but biopsies are one of any medical professional’s most important diagnostic tools. Mesquite Dental Solutions is your home for oral biopsy in Mesquite. We know that you may wonder why you need a biopsy from the dentist, but rest assured, a biopsy is used to check for more serious health issues.
A dentist may perform a biopsy for some reason. Most of the time, the biopsy is a secondary procedure to check if the tissue in the mouth is cancerous, infected, or has something else wrong with it. The dentist usually performs an exam first and checks for any potential issues before requesting a biopsy.
Some of the different types of biopsies include gum, mouth, gingival, and oral cancer biopsy. Any of the mouth’s soft tissues may be biopsied if the dentist detects an issue. A biopsy examines a tissue sample from a specific area, such as a part of the mouth.
There are many reasons why a dentist may want to take a biopsy, but all of them are for diagnostic and preventative reasons. The sooner an issue is found and treated, the easier it is. One of the most common times a dentist will suggest a biopsy is if something suspicious is found during an oral cancer screening. If the dentist sees a growth, splotchy skin, or other signs of cancer, they will take a biopsy and send it off to be analyzed.
The same is true for other areas of the mouth. If the dentist detects unknown growths or changes in the tissues inside the mouth, the fastest and safest way to figure out what is going on is to take a biopsy and analyze it for potential problems. For example, if the dentist detects a problem with the gums that is not obvious, they may take a gingival biopsy to test for infection or potential disease.
The actual taking of the biopsy is relatively painless. The dentist will use a dental tool to take a sample of the skin, lesion, lump, or other material and shave or cut off a few cells, just enough to examine. This means you won’t have to worry about being put under or having anesthesia to get the biopsy.
The biopsy is used to diagnose a range of different conditions. A biopsy often shows the growth of cancer cells, tumors, and other deformities. Just because the dentist decides to take a biopsy doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have cancer, but it’s better to check rather than not so that something can be done about it earlier.
Once the biopsy is taken, you don’t have to wait too long for the results. They are sent off to a lab or examined house, and depending on the results, the dentist will set you up with another appointment to decide on treatment for the condition. If it turns out to be nothing, then you’ll be sent on your way. A good dentist will have a treatment plan ready for you by the time of your follow-up appointment so that you can fix the problem.